Hello there Minecrafters!
I apologise once again for the lack of updates on the server, I was just too busy with real life to find the time required to work on the server. Most of the changes here have been live for a while. However a formal changelogs post was never made, today this changes. Welcome to the 9.0.2 patch notes, and without further ado, lets get right into it.
â–º General Changes
- /profile menu reworked to allow players to link their socials. Other players using /profile (username) may view the menu of each player.
- /disguise now lets you choose a random skin and a random username, also increased the number of available skins
- /friend list now displays displays offline friends using a dark gray color
- Staying afk in lobbies will no longer give mystery boxes
- Increased the rate adventure rank exp is acquired
- All members of a party can join a game now, however only the party leader can warp others
- Added the command /friend jump which allows a player to warp to the server a friend is playing
- Added /friend listrequests command which lists all the friend requests a player has received
- Added a privacy option on the settings menu which opens and lets you edit account privacy settings
- Increased bounty gold rewards
- Increased exp obtained on kill and killstreaks
- Lowered the extremely high cooldowns of several kits
- Reworked the reaper kit, removed the sharpness enchantment on the weapon and added the Bleeding ability (more info in the replies)
- Squashed some bugs
- Private games are now a thing on bedwars, use /private to start a private game, there are many options available to customize the game to your liking, including increasing ore generation and making arena blocks breakable
- Added more cosmetics including glyphs, woodskins and kill messages
- The hotbar menu can now be adjusted from the lobby without having to enter a game
- Upon a player without a bed, falling to the void on his own (not thrown or by a fireball) the final kill instead of being wasted will be rewarded to the player who destroyed the bed
- Players upon leaving the game will have their death rewarded to the last player who damaged them assuming its within a reasonable time frame
- Improved fireball self-knockback, fireball jump and tnt jump are much easier and feel smoother to execute now
- You may now rejoin in solo games using /rejoin
- Replaced the "game end" event with "sudden death" and added the sudden death upgrade in the upgrade shop
- Fixed a bug which it required you to reconnect to a server after a duel was completed to keep playing
- Added an option to disable all duel requests
- Bedwars duel now includes final kills other than just breaking the bed
- Bedwars duel also includes a spectator mode now
- Fixed the pearl teleport bug in which if you threw a pearl in an arena and you died while the pearl was mid air you would still get teleported back to the arena with the pearl
Good luck on the battlefield fellow players!